Czech and Slovak Literature Resources

A selected bibliography of translations, with some related links, can be found on the Czech and Slovak Literature in English Translation page.

See also: Oxford DPhil theses in Czech literature and James Naughton, The Reception in Nineteenth-Century England of Czech Literature and of the Czech Literary Revival, Cambridge 1977, PhD 1978.

Links below in bold type indicate local files or texts that are frequently used by Oxford students. 
Abbreviations: (Wz) = Wikizdroje; (MkP) = Městská knihovna v Praze E-knihy klasiků (free downloadable eBooks in various formats); (Čč) = Česká čítanka.

Czech Authors and Texts

Background Notes on Czech and Slovak Literature

A Brief History of the Czech Lands

Czech Literature: A Historical Overview

Slovak Literature - A Brief Introduction

Czech Literature since 1918

Reading Patrik Ouředník, by Jonathan Bolton.

Czech Literature 1848–1918

Czech Literature 1774 to 1848 (Obrození / Revival)

Baroque Literature (Bílá hora to the Obrození, 1620 – 1774)

Renaissance and Humanism

Literature up to the Hussite Wars

Vokabulář webový is helpful for reading these texts, providing online access to several dictionaries of older Czech and other resources

Výbor z české literatury...: Major anthologies of texts from the early 10th to late 15th centuries. Available to read online or downloadable as (large: >150MB) PDFs:
Výbor z české literatury od počátků po dobu Husovu (ed. Bohuslav Havránek, Josef Hrabák et al. (Praha: ČSAV, 1957).
Výbor z české literatury doby husitské, sv. 1 (ed. Bohuslav Havránek, Josef Hrabák, Jiří Daňhelka et al. (Praha: ČSAV, 1963).
Výbor z české literatury doby husitské, sv. 2 (ed. Bohuslav Havránek, Josef Hrabák, Jiří Daňhelka et al. (Praha: ČSAV, 1964).

Centrum medievistických studií: Czech Medieval Sources On-line
See also: Český raný středověk (archived pages on the Wayback Machine)

Manuscriptorium (digitized manuscripts)
Clavis Monumentorum Litterarum, including Fontes Rerum Regni Bohemiae (e) (Latin chronicles, annals etc.) and Repertorium (early Czech printed books)
Česká čítanka (some of the texts here are listed below).

Old Church Slavonic

Slovak Literature

Slovak Literature - A Brief Introduction

Older Slovak Literature:

Reference Works

The links below are to external sites, unless otherwise noted.

Slovník české literatury po roce 1945 on-line

Edice E electronic editions of major reference works on Czech literary history, from Ústav pro českou literaturu AV ČR:

The following digital archives and databases are invaluable for research purposes:

Serious online dictionaries

The following dictionaries are not intended for beginners, but they are invaluable for students working on older or more demanding Czech literary texts:

Literary journals and events

For biographies of authors and other reference information try:

Dějiny zemí Koruny české v datech with its search page
For more Czech history see Hugh Agnew, The Czechs and the Lands of the Bohemian Crown

Czech Literature Websites

Czech - Children's Literature


Last updated: May 2018 (JP)