Colloquial Czech -- Course Resources

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Some online vocabulary exercises derived from Colloquial Czech are available on Oxford University's WebLearn site. No login required. (The older ones were created with Hot Potatoes.)

The zip file below contains vocabularies from Colloquial Czech to be downloaded and used for self-study -- flashcard training and multiple choice tests. Unzip the individual .csv files and open with an installed version of WordQuiz.

WordQuiz is available for both Windows and Mac OS X. WordQuiz for iOS is available for iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad users. Linux users should install KWordQuiz.

For each Unit there are two files (only one for the Pronunciation section). The first covers the Dialogues and Readings, the second contains further lists derived from the Language Points.

Save each file as type .kvtml in WordQuiz to keep track of your progress.

Other flashcard software, such as Anki or Mnemosyne, can also be used, if you prefer.

Last additions / revisions: 9th October 2013