Czech and Slovak Links
home | literature | easy input | unicode inputters | unicode greek | kalendář | libraries ]News... Rádio Praha, anglicky nebo česky | Carolina | Britské listy | | | Právo | České noviny | Dení | |
Others... O2 Active | Seznam | Telefonní seznam | Jízdní řády | Praguewelcome | Ticketpro | Národní divadlo | Mapy | Dějiny zemí Koruny české v datech + search page
For Czech degree courses in the UK and Czech summer schools see below
Evening classes in the UK include: Czech Centre, London | SSEES, London | city lit, London
Stuff in English... BBC News | Prague Post Online | Salon | The Slovak Spectator | Czech Centre, London | Transitions Online | Czech Embassy, London | Slovak Embassy, London | Prague Writers' Festival
Czech dictionaries online...
Slovník spisovného jazyka českého | Příruční slovník jazyka českéhoLingea -- Anglicko-český slovník is perhaps the most reliable and detailed two-way dictionary for learners of all levels that is freely available online. It can often detect headwords correctly when searching from the inflected forms. It will also find words when you type them without their diacritics. Definitely worth closer inspection if you haven't come across it before.
Slovak dictionaries online...
Lingea - Slovensko-český slovník | slovní (with diacritics) | Krátky slovník slovenského jazyka | Slovenské slovníky (Krátky slovník slovenského jazyka, Slovník slovenského jazyka) | note also: Slovak National Corpus (requires registration) |^ Other Language Resources...
Czech Lexicon for Learners, a preliminary version of a small dictionary of core vocabulary for learners of Czech.
Colloquial Slovak, details of the 2nd edition of this textbook for beginners.
Czech: An Essential Grammar, information about this concise Czech grammar for learners.
Colloquial Czech, details of the 3rd edition of this textbook for beginners.
Resources for Colloquial Czech (third edition, 2011).
Review by Neil Bermel of the 2nd edition of Colloquial Czech.
Internetová jazyková příručka, a grammatical dictionary, giving declension and conjugation forms of words etc. (Produced by Ústav pro jazyk český.)
A Grammar of Czech as a Foreign Language (pdf, 2010), by Karel Tahal.
Online Czech Grammar (pdf), by Laura A. Janda and Charles E. Townsend.
Having trouble typing Czech (or other languages) in Windows? Experiment with the Easy Inputter for Czech and Slovak, or go to the Unicode Inputters page., Czech word of the day (in Czech).
Sample chapter on the genitive case from The Case Book for Czech, by Laura A. Janda and Steven J. Clancy.
Cz Accent (author Toni Zrůstek), a clever web utility for adding Czech diacritics to plain text (surprisingly accurate - just paste the output into Word etc. and edit).
Český národní korpus - Veřejný přístup, search for words in contexts extracted from a large database. See their home page for more details.
Slovník - Help for English, picture vocabulary for learners, in Czech and English
Owen's Little Czech Primer, picture vocabulary for beginners
Měsíce? dny? - learn the Czech names of the months and days of the week
Brown University On-Line Czech Anthology - this site is an annotated anthology of selected texts by Karel Čapek and several other authors. It currently provides 22 texts, accompanied by QuickTime audio files in Czech and other tools for reading.
The Czech Language on WWW, contributions by Czech linguists on features of the language, including its phonetics and non-standard spoken forms, along with a number of rather more lightweight and "fun" items, such as palindromes and tongue-twisters.
^ Summer Schools / Courses in the Czech Republic...
Department of Czech for Foreigners, Brno (in Czech: Kabinet češtiny pro cizince) | Institute of Czech Studies, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague and their Summer School | Institute of Language and Professional Training, Prague (in Czech: Ústav jazykové a odborné přípravy UK) | Olomouc University, Summer School | University of West Bohemia, Pilsen (Plzeň), International Summer School |^ Universities and Education...
Masarykova univerzita v Brně | Mendelova zemědělská a lesnická univerzita v Brně | Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích | Univerzita Hradec Králové | Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci | Slezská univerzita v Opavě | Ostravská univerzita | Západočeská univerzita v Plzni | Univerzita Karlova v Praze | Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze | Univerzita Jana Evangelisty Purkyně v Ústí nad Labem | Akademie věd České republiky |Akademická informační agentura, click on Information for Teachers of English for teaching opportunities in the Czech Republic.
Czech courses at British universities (more extensive degree courses asterisked): *Oxford | *Bristol | *Glasgow | Leeds | *SSEES, London | *Sheffield | Wolverhampton, see also UK Sensitive Map of Universities for other webpages.
^ Library and Other Book Catalogues...
Czech: Česká národní bibliografie | Národní knihovna České republiky | Městská knihovna v Praze | Knihovna Jiřího Mahena v Brně |
Slovak: Slovenská národná knižnica |
British + North American: Taylor Institution Library, Oxford | Oxford University (SOLO) | COPAC (22 libraries, union catalogue) | Cambridge University | SSEES Library (UCL) | British Library | Glasgow University | Library of Congress |
^ Radio and TV...
Web broadcasts may require RealPlayer (download the free version) -- as well as sound card and speakers (or headphones).
For more Czech radio links try RadioTV
Various live broadcasts are available from Český rozhlas.
Česká televize | TV Markíza, a Slovak TV station |, Slovak radio and TV | FUN RADIO, Slovak again... | Rádio Viva, another Slovak station... | Radio Praha, external services in Czech, English... | Evropa 2 |
Last revised 3rd October 2013