Oxford DPhil Theses in Czech Literature
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A number of doctoral theses in Czech literature have been supervised at the University of Oxford and completed over the past ten years or so. These are their titles, with links to full catalogue details:
Jane Keat : Projections in black and white : cinematic construction / construction of a cinematic in Czech poetist prose of the 1920s : 2001.
Sioned Puw Rowlands, Marginal politics : the aesthetic and the essayistic in selected writings by Twm Morys, Václav Havel and Bohumil Hrabal : 2002 [i.e. 2003].
published as:
Sioned Puw Rowlands : Hwyaid, cwningod a sgwarnogod : esthetig radical Twm Morys, Václav Havel a Bohumil Hrabal. Caerdydd : Gwasg Prifysgol Cymru, 2006.
Manuela Eugenia Gheorghe : Boundaries in motion : Christian initiation and literary discourse in Vasile Andru's and Daniela Hodrová's fiction : 2005.
published as:
Manuela Eugenia Gheorghe : Boundaries in Motion : Christian Initiation and Literary Discourse in Vasile Andru's and Daniela Hodrová's Fiction, 1. vyd. - Olomouc : Univerzita Palackého : 2008.
Vanda Pickett : Consciousness of fiction : structures of narrative uncertainty in the prose of Richard Weiner : 2006.
James Partridge : The Narrative Poetry of Vladimír Holan, 1939-1955 : 2007 [i.e. 2008].
Last update: 3rd March 2013